Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Weta At West End School

Today we found a weta by the library.

Have you seen any bugs in unusual places?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Learning about how to set up our blogs!

Today, the children in Room 1 learnt about how to set up their blogs. They chose a new background, font, and colour scheme. Now, most of the class are able to find their way around their blogs!

Image result for blogger

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Winning the Singing Trophy

Today, Room 1 won the singing cup. We won the cup because everyone was singing loudly and clearly. We also tried our best. We all managed ourselves.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Camp Work Groups

This week, we found out which children from Te Wao Nui o Tane would be in our camp work groups. There was a lot of excitement and discussion when the groups were announced.
Now we're starting to work together in these groups in the afternoons. We hope to get to know and understand more each about each other.


This is one of the activities we participated in. We had to learn how to communicate with each other and work together as a team.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Learning how to be a good buddy

Today, Mrs McKnight came into our BIG classroom to talk to us about how to be a good buddy.

We learnt about what is expected of us when buddying in Room 9 and also out in the playground.


Mrs McKnight answered lots of our questions and now we know what to do.

We can't wait to get to know our Room 9 buddies! 

Being responsible for our rubbish.

Today marked the first day that we could all eat our morning tea and lunch outside in the quad. We are all learning about tidying up after ourselves and the importance of a clean learning and playing environment.

To kick start this learning, Room 1 children joined the rest of the school in a whole school cleanup. We tidied up around the turf area and found LOTS of rubbish.

If we see rubbish in our school, we're going to use our initiative and pick it up!

Camp Cabin Choices

Today in Room 1, the children made several VERY important choices. They thought long and hard about who they wanted in their camp cabin.


Ask your child who they requested and why.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Waita with Te Wao Nui O Tane

This morning our team got together for our first waiata session. We come together to sing each Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Have a listen to us and let us know what you think... 

Haere Mai  

Hoia Ra